Dein intelligenter Einkaufszettel

Item Selection

After you have pressed the +, your item list will appear. We have already added a few examples to the item list for you.
In your article list you tap on the article you want to buy. The article will be highlighted, here with light green.
If the item you want to buy is not yet in your list, you can quickly add it here by using the + again. With this you add the items you need in your household.
Mi-Papelito then remembers your articles and so your individual article list is created.
Mi-Papelito knows the swipe gestures of your device. If you swipe to the right, you can delete the article or reset the suggestion if you need the article again.

5 -> Here you can switch the sorting by categories on and off.

6 -> Here you can close or open all categories.

7 ->
Here you can switch on if you only want to see the items you should buy again.

8 ->
Here you can choose if you want to bring items for someone (which we call orderer, see chapter "Orderer"). This article will be marked with a different color for better distinction.